aerosol a suspension in a gaseous medium of solid particles, liquid particles, or
solid and liquid particles having negligible falling velocity. In the context of this
document, it is a suspension of particles which may contain legionella with a typical
droplet size of <5μm that can be inhaled deep into the lungs.
algae a small, usually aquatic, plant which requires light to grow, often found on
exposed areas of cooling towers.
bacteria (singular bacterium) a microscopic, unicellular (or more rarely
multicellular) organism.
biofilm a community of bacteria and other microorganisms, embedded in a
protective layer with entrained debris, attached to a surface.
calorifier an apparatus used for the transfer of heat to water in a vessel by
indirect means, the source of heat being contained within a pipe or coil immersed
in the water.
cooling tower an apparatus through which warm water is discharged against an
air stream; in doing so part of the water is evaporated to saturate the air and this
cools the water. The cooler water is usually pumped to a heat exchanger to be
reheated and recycled through the tower.
deadleg pipes leading to a fitting through which water only passes infrequently
when there is draw-off from the fitting, redundant or abandoned legs of pipework.
drift circulating water lost from the tower as liquid droplets entrained in the
exhaust air stream; usually expressed as a percentage of circulating water flow, but
for more precise work it is parts of water per million by weight of air for a given
liquid to gas ratio.
drift eliminator more correctly referred to as drift reducers or minimisers –
equipment containing a complex system of baffles designed to remove water
droplets from cooling tower air passing through it.
dry/wet cooling systems dry coolers with the capacity to employ evaporative
cooling when required either due to high ambient air temperature or when cooling
demand is high.
evaporative condenser a heat exchanger in which refrigerant is condensed by a
combination of air movement and water sprays over its surface.
evaporative cooling a process by which a small portion of a circulating body of
water is caused to evaporate, taking the required latent heat of vaporisation from
the remainder of the water and cooling it.
fouling organic growth or other deposits on heat transfer surfaces, causing loss
in efficiency.
legionnaires’ disease a form of pneumonia caused by bacteria of the genus
legionella a single bacterium of the genus legionellae.
legionellae the name of a genus of bacteria which includes over 50 species and
belongs to the family Legionellaceae. They are ubiquitous in the environment and
found in a wide spectrum of natural and artificial collections of water.
Legionella pneumophila one of the causative organisms of legionnaires’
legionellosis any illness caused by exposure to legionella.
microorganism an organism of microscopic size including bacteria, fungi and
nutrient a food source for microorganisms.
Pontiac fever a disease caused by a species of legionella, an upper respiratory
illness less severe than legionnaires’ disease.
risk assessment identifying and assessing the risk from exposure to legionella
from work activities and water sources on premises and determining any necessary
precautionary measures.
service provider companies or individuals or their sub-contractors who are
involved with providing advice, consultancy, operating, maintenance and
management services or the supply of equipment or chemicals to the owner or
occupier of premises.
sludge a general term for soft mud-like deposits found on heat transfer surfaces
or other important sections of a cooling system. Also found at the base of calorifiers
and cold water storage tanks.
stagnation the condition where water ceases to flow and is therefore liable to
microbiological growth.
strainers a coarse filter usually positioned upstream of a sensitive component
such as a pump control valve or heat exchanger to protect it from debris.